I had never been so scared in my life! Road trip gone horribly wrong. My best friend and I were on our way to Wichita Falls, TX to take bridal shower images. Along the way we could see a storm approaching. We didn't think anything of it. Bad weather happens in Texas all the time.
Next thing we noticed were the clouds getting extremely low and rotating, but we are in the middle of nowhere what do we do?! Good thing ahead we spotted a Phillips 66 gas station and decided to make base there. We weren't the only ones that decided to take refuge at this gas station. Huddled in a small freezer with maybe 10 people we all took cover. I thought I was going to have a panic attack! All of us could feel the freezer rock as the high winds ripped through this small town called Sunset, TX.
After the storm was over the other travelers and I went to assess damages. My car, along with the other travelers, unfortunately suffered major damage due to hail, but grateful everyone was okay.