Today while walking…
I saw a young man making a music video at Pacific Plaza downtown. He was creating this video by himself with his phone on a stand. I wonder when his album will come out.
I was followed by a pug puppy. They were proud of themselves for going potty. The pug was off leash and was well behaved.I found the owner and gave the puppy back.
I saw a person park their car, get out, and hand someone money and then drive away. The interaction was so quick that I thought the person from the car owed the money to the unhoused person.
I saw an older man get on the McKinney Avenue Transit Authority. He was the only one the trolly. It looked like a very peaceful thing to do on this cloudy fall morning.
I was whistled at. I thought cat-calling was a dying phenomenon, but I guess I look pretty good today so thank you.
I was almost hit by a car door. They parked really close to the sidewalk so their door flew open and I jumped. In their defense coffee is very important on a Friday morning.
This man thought I was staring at him but I was checking to see if cars were coming so I could cross the street. I wonder who looked more sketchy. Me appearing to be staring at him or him on the corner not crossing the street and staring at me.
10:12 AM